The Top Ten Safest Cars of 2011
Safety is extremely important to any driver, especially when family is in the automobile with you. Have a look at the top-ten safest cars of 2011.
Safety is extremely important to any driver, especially when family is in the automobile with you. Have a look at the top-ten safest cars of 2011.
If you find yourself in a car accident, step one is to steady your nerves. Stop and do a mental check. Does anything hurt? Does anything feel broken? Bleeding? Pinched?
If you know enough about automotive safety to have your car insured in the first place, then you know better than to drive around without something to take photographs with.
Today we’re taking our hats off and giving a bow to the safest drivers out there. Specifically, the safe drivers from Fort Collins, Colorado, because according to a report by
What do you do when approaching a yellow light? A. Speed up to make the light. B. Slow down to a steady stop. C. Roll through the light at a
When the spring cleaning bug hits, don’t neglect your car in favor of the closets. After a hard winter of dealing with road grime, traction sand, and salts, your car is in need of a good hand washing and a thorough inspection.
Read more on "It’s Spring and Your Car Needs a Good Clean-Up"
High auto insurance premiums are a problem for older drivers because accident statistics and proven issues with hearing vision, mobility, and reaction time work against them behind the wheel and in the eyes of their insurers.
Many people make the mistake of letting dirt and road grime sit on their cars during the winter months only to find corrosive damage under all the gunk when the spring thaw arrives.
Read more on "Wash and Wax Your Car in Winter to Stay on Top of Potential Corrosive Damage"
The first three months of the year are the time when many car owners find themselves in the shop trying to get their new vehicle inspection sticker. All too often,
A new class of applications emerging for popular smartphones aims to combat the problem of distracted driving due to texting behind the wheel by disabling certain functions on the handset while the vehicle is in motion.
Read more on "Phone Apps Seek to End Texting Behind the Wheel"